Welcome back! SAP TechEd Las Vegas and Amsterdam were a blast! But now, I am back at my desk and will continue to share some change control insights with you! In the last two posts I was giving some information on how to protect the production systems on a basic level (Protect your Production and Protect your Production 2). Today, we will continue this topic with the final and most comprehensive set of tools for protecting production systems. So, without further ado, let's dive into it!
Central Downgrade Protection - ChaRM & CTS
With SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SPS05 with introduced a completely new infrastructure to track changes and their propagation in the whole landscape! With this central approach we introduce a change tracking repository on object-level. Together with the Cross-System-Object-Lock data, we can now deliver a complete set of checks that will protect your production system from the very start!
We first check at change time, when the object is acutally touched. We do also check if the object list of a transport request is changed using SE09. Reassigning changes from one project or decoupling single request from a change make both, ChaRM, and QGM highly flexible. However, this flexibility also introduces additional risks we can defy by the DGP checks as well. Finally, we check right before the import of changes, if any predecessors do exist, or if the import would create an actual downgrade.
The algorithms themselves work on key-level, so we have the most comprehensive solution together with ChaRM/QGM. It might need a little bit more of setup - but it definitely is worth it! For more details about setup and more technical information, check this cool blog post by raquel.pereiradacunha.
This unmatched holistic downgrade protection approach does especially gain relevance, when on SAP ChaRM and SAP QGM side, propagating changes is used with all flexibility features we introduced with SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SPS10 and the Central CTS infrastructure.
SAP offers a wide variety of tools as part of the change control portfolio - from basic protection, as part of NW, to advanced protection with CTS_PLUG, and high-end protection with full-blown DGP on SAP Change Request Management and Quality Gate Management level. You have the full set of options to choose, what fits your needs, processes and landscapes - full flexibility, even when it comes to protecting your production systems!
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