Following on from my blog post on the first day of the 2013 Innojam at SAP Netherlands, here's a rundown of day 2:
Arriving early for breakfast at 8am, and to learn how the the teams were progressing, it was clear that a lot of hard work had been done. Straightaway, everyone got back to work, knowing that only a few hours remained before the presentation session at 3pm.
After some additional support for the teams, and more coding, it wasn't long before lunchtime rolled around at 12. At 12.15, I took a walk past the team rooms, some of which were still full. "You know that lunch is being served?" "Yes, we know" was the response. Maybe they just weren't hungry...
In the afternoon, with the presentation deadline looming, the teams were still working on their code, but also getting their presentations ready for the jury:

I wonder where the others went...

An overview of each team and their projects will be posted in another blog, but the jury (Pieter Schoehuijs, CIO, and Ria van Waes, Director Information Management, both from Akzo Nobel, and VNSG Managing Director Rob van der Marck) seemed impressed with the potential of all the ideas and applications that were presented. After all the 6 minute presentations were complete, the jury took some time to decide on the winners.
Everyone returned to the presentation room, where it was revealed that the winners were team 1! Team 5 were the runners-up, and team 3 the second runners-up, but everyone felt that their participation had been worthwhile and appreciated.
After the prize-giving and photographs of the winning team, it was clear that people were ready to get on the road for home after two hard days (and one long night) of work, but there was just enough time for goodbyes, a photograph of all the participants, and hopes that we'd all meet again at SAP TechEd in Amsterdam in November...
Personally, I found the event to be both fun and educational, and a real testament to what can be achieved through teamwork, great organization, and a vibrant community like the VNSG. More pictures of the event are available here, courtesy of the VNSG, but I'll close this blog with a little taste of how inspiring the SAP Netherlands offices are. I'm sure it helped with the Design Thinking during this Innojam...