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Recently I found more and more people are trying to integrate SAP CRM with MS Outlook 2007. SAP CRM currently does not officially support MS Outlook 2007 for E-Mails (whereas the groupware replication does) but it was tested with this setup.


SAP has been using various Microsoft Standard Integration Technologies in the past to establish activty replication or E-mail Integration between a CRM System and MS Outlook or MS Exchange.

The technology used in the area of E-Mail Integration (so called One-to-One Email Integration) is a mix out of MS MAPI and MS CDO. These are common libraries that provide 3rd party applications with a set of integration APIs. Using both APIs means that both MAPI and CDO are needed for the integration to work.

As of MS Outlook 2007 the CDO library is not included in the Standard Installation Package from Microsoft anymore. Customers who want to use this Library need to install this separately. Microsoft has published two installation packs for this,

  • one including MAPI and CDO
  • the other including only CDO. (this is what you need...)


Using the MS Outlook without CDO leads to some issues when transferring E-Mails from MS Outlook 2007 to CRM.

  1. When the user opens the E-mail Inbox all items are still visible.
  2. When hitting the transfer link this error message is shown in a Javascript Popup. "SAP CRM Solution cannot access Microsoft Outlook. Application was stopped."
  3. The transfer of the Email does not happen and CRM does not open the assignment screen.

In addition, when you have defined in customizing to receive a copy of the E-mail in the sent items folder of your Outlook when sending E-Mail in CRM, a similar issue appears.


  1. please open MS Outlook and verify the MS Outlook version you are using. therefore go to Menu > Help > About Microsoft Office Outlook.
    You should see that MS Outlook 2007 is presently installed. 
  2. Now go to the Microsoft Download Page using this link
  3. Download and install the file with the name "ExchangeCdo.EXE". the file size should be under 500kbyte
  4. Restart your browser and try transferring your inbound E-Mails from your MS Outlook version again. the problem should be solved now.
Former Member
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Hi Martin,
  The information provided was useful, but I wouldn't be able to test, since we are not using Microsoft 2007. It would be helpful, if any one who have checked the functionality could confirm if the steps mentioned are working.

Former Member
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I can confirme that the approach mentioned by Martin works.

We have been synchronizing e-mails from CRM 2007 to Outlook 2007 for 6 months now. On all our Vista clients.

But we have had some trouble regards synchronizing contact persons as well.

So therefor we have made some entries in the registration database on Vista.

In the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\CRMCalIntegration\SyncSettings
we have changed the key MaxNoOfContactToBeSynced to 100.
Then we change the key ShowErrorMessage to 1.
Finally we have changed the timeout and keep_alive settings on our servers.

All this works perfectly


Former Member
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Hi, I find this information good but is not working in my case. I had installed the CDO and also restarted the system. Then also i am getting the same message.
Former Member
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Hi Amandeep.

Take a look at the following Notes:
Note 962341, Refers to pretty much the same as what Martin has specified regarding the CDO Download.

Note 963408, The required Internet Explorer Settings to get the CRM Groupware Integration to work. 2 Of the settings require Active X Controls which Microsoft deem as unsafe to be Enabled; they are: Download Unsigned ActiveX Controls and Initialize and Script ActiveX Controls not marked as Safe.

I tried playing around with the setting of these values and the only way I could get it to work was as per the Note instructions.



Former Member
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with EHP1 in CRM 7.0 SAP introduces customizing to controll the default settings as well as the input readiness of fields within the synchronization tool.
So far, most of the settings I tried out work fine.
Only property MaxNoOfContactToBeSynced does not show any effect.
Does anybody know if this property is already implemented by SAP?

Thanks & Cheers,
Former Member
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Hi Martin,

I found your articles to be extremely useful. We're Globalsoft Solutions - an SAP Partner and currently working on a customer requirement with GWI on Lotus notes.

I have sent you an email with details to get your expert input. Could you please help with my queries.

Regards / Prajith Nair
0 Kudos

I have actually this issue I have crosschecked all notes and setups but I have some doubts and lack of information on my version:


-GWI :wink:

-Outlook 2007 :shock:

-Windows 7 :sad:

I can't downgrade any of my system versions and still feel that im a step behind company Users might have.

Windows 8

Iexplore 11

Any advice?



0 Kudos

Hi Pedro,

Please check the installation and admin guide with the following name: "Client Groupware Integration 10.30: Inst. and Config. Guide" that is avilable on the service market place. Page 8 contains the necessary information. It can be found here:

then navigate to SAP Business Suite Applications -> SAP CRM -> SAP CRM 7.0 Enhancement Package 3 -> Install.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Oelschlaeger

Product Management SAP CRM

0 Kudos

Dear Wolfgang,

I have crosschecked the document, and already aplied pre-requirements.

As it doesn't work I thought that maybe is because of the compatibility matrix contained on the document.

According to the document there is no compatibility for Iexplorer 10, and MSutlook 2007.

By the other hand, my error messages stands for the typical description error when CDO not installed.

Acording to MIcrosoft description the package is not compatible with windows 7.

I still believe that I did something wrong but I would like to cross-check that someone has used GWI on this "unsupported" enviroment.

