Last week Friday a SAP Student MeetUp on Design Thinking took place in the context of the EU code week activities. Around 30 Students met at the Design Thinking space at SAP in St. Leon Rot for a whole day workshop experiencing the Design Thinking method on solving challenges and creating prototypes. Get some impressions how it works at YouTube.
The challenge was well chosen as most of them were master students – they brainstormed on the future of work and entrepreneurship. The students worked in teams and ran through the whole Design Thinking process coached by Katrin Redman, Isabel Ayala, Juliane Krampe, Maria Calzada and Emad Arnouk. A lot of time boxing and hard work, but also funny games and an excellent selection of prototypes made the day of coaches and students.
„It was great to work with such an enthusiastic group of students! They came up with really good ideas to increase the attractiveness of SAP. No matter how crazy the ideas were (gravity room, cruise, “Run simple” – Billy), it was a lot of fun listening to them during the role play. Great group, good dynamics, a lot of networking and best of all: they all want to stay in touch! They believe in SAP and the company culture and are eager to be employed at SAP full time. What more could you wish for :-)?”
“I adored working with such motivated and eager-to-succeed students! Listening to their ideas, comments, experiences and backgrounds was very enriching. They also made themselves “be heard”. It is clear to see, that they bring such creative and grateful ideas, that they could boost the SAP image perception among students working at SAP and students in general. They were also eager to get cool job offers, so the surprise came so in handy! “
In addition 2 colleagues of SAP offered the chance to speak about concrete job offerings during the lunch break.
The students really enjoyed the experience with Design Thinking and networking opportunity within this Student MeetUp:
- “Can you please offer events like this in the future?”
- “We really want to achieve something at our job, do something meaningful, not only work with excels and power points”
- “I want to be part in core activities as a student, such us customer meetings, etc.”