Initial results are in!! For the first time ASUG/SAP have created an Organizational Change Management Best Practices Survey focusing on requirements leading practices for OCM! This joint questionnaire is part of the Benchmarking and Best Practices efforts that provide valuable ongoing information and data points on leading practices, costs and outcomes.
There are 125+ respondents to the survey answering the questions of...
- Why do Organizational Change Management (OCM)?
- What value does OCM bring?
- What happens if you don't do OCM?
- What are the most important things to do?
- How much does it cost?
- How many people does it take?
The survey looks at the practices of "leaders" and "laggards" and the experienced results of each group.
Respondents will be receive a summary of results - and if you didn't respond already and would like a copy as well, you can continue to provide input to ongoing research via Organizational Change Management Best Practices Survey.