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SUMMARY: After May 8, 2021, a new way to visualize system hierarchies in your cloud landscape may result in more systems being listed in SAP ONE Support Launchpad applications, but it will also improve transparency.
If you subscribe to an SAP cloud service, you are entitled to services for cloud systems. These systems are associated with your installations and therefore listed, for instance, in the
Installation Management application in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad where authorized S-users can see them.
In addition to these "main systems”, several SAP cloud products have additional "subsystems".
Some of them, for example database subsystems, are required for operational reasons, and you don’t have to care about them: SAP makes sure that – though these subsystems are invisible – any potential issue is transparently communicated to you. In the Cloud Availability Center, downtimes show up as maintenance, disruption, or degradation of the main system.
There are, however, also subsystems that you know of, because they represent individual components of your cloud product. Intelligent technologies, SAP Document service, and SAP Web Analytics as services of the SAP Business Technology Platform are such examples. Others can be found for SAP Gigya.
Some applications like the SAP Enterprise Support reporting cockpit already show such hierarchies, others don’t.
Starting May 8, 2021, the launchpad’s Wave 4 transport, a new concept will result in more transparency: Across all applications that display your cloud solution landscape, all relevant subsystems will be listed under the respective main systems. You can work with them like with any other system. Reporting an issue regarding a particular component of your cloud service can be done in a more targeted way.
The change comes with a small downside: Many system overviews will list more items than before.
In tools where subsystems play an important role, a hierarchical view may be offered showing all subsystems under their respective “parent”.
In other applications, where subsystems take a backseat, you may have to click a system to get to the list of its subsystems.
In other words: The way your cloud landscape is displayed depends on the scope of the tool. But in general, expect a larger number of entities listed. Swallowing this somewhat "bitter pill" should be rather easy considering the obvious benefit of increased transparency.