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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
>> make sure you check out my new How to consume an Enterprise Service from the ES Workplace in Web Dynpro - Part II: Sample Code for ... with the source code to this demo! <<

Are you thrilled by the exciting possibilities around eSOA? Have you browsed through the registry of the ES Workplace on SDN to check out your favorite enterprise service? Do you love Web Dynpro as the enterprise-scale Java UI framework? Have you attended a session about the new SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment (CE) last year at TechEd?
And since then you have been keen on seeing how these components work together in a live end-to-end scenario?
Well, here's a nice chunk of the carrot dangling in front of your nose for you to savor!

Just as you, I was anxious to see how I can leverage the new Composition Environment 7.1 and ES Workplace - the public SAP Enterprise Services Repository - to get to a new level of composite business application development.
Now I am happy to share my experiences with you by making a step-by-step demo of my little development project available to the SDN Community.


This is the use case:

"Develop a Web Dynpro application that shows some details of a purchase order."

This is the scenario:
  • I want to browse an enterprise service registry for an enterprise service that provides details for a given purchase order number (something like "read purchase order").
  • Of course, this enterprise service has to have an implementation endpoint, i.e. an eSOA-enabled ERP-backend that implements and provides this enterprise service.
  • After I have identified the service I want to use it in an adaptive web service model in Web Dynpro Java.
  • I build up my Web Dynpro application on top of this model. With all the great wizards and modeling tools within Web Dynpro I can achieve this with minimal coding efforts.
  • My adaptive web service model will work with logical web service destinations that point to the ERP-backend that I identified as endpoint for my service in the ES workplace registry.
  • That's it: My application can be deployed and is ready to run!
This is the set-up:
Demo Set-Up
  • I am using the ES Workplace as my eSOA infrastructure.
    • I look up an enterprise service from its enterprise services registry and import its service definition to my local development environment at design time (1).
    • Later on, my Web Dynpro application will call the SAP ERP 2005 system of ES Workplace to execute this enterprise service (2).
    • Note:
      The ES Workplace team is constantly enhancing the ES Workplace system landscape. As part of their efforts physical system names may change and systems that you see in the demo may no longer be available.
      In April '07, the ERP system changed from FU2 to HU2. That means, that the Web Service destinations shown in the demo no longer work. Check my other How to consume an Enterprise Service from the ES Workplace in Web Dynpro - Part II: Sample Code for ... for the new settings.
  • On the other hand, I have the new SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 installed locally.
    • I use the SAP NetWeaver developer studio to create and model my Web Dynpro application from scratch (3).
    • I have a local SAP Java server as the runtime for my application (4).
    • Note:
      The demo is based on SAP NetWeaver 7.1 Composition Environment.  It's not SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (aka 2004s).
And these are the three parts of the demo (all parts with voice):
  • In part 1, we create an Adaptive Service Model based on a real enterprise service that we can look up in the Enterprise Services Registry of the Enterprise Services Workplace.
    It might be the most interesting one for you as it makes use of the new registry browser to look up an enterprise service. And it shows how the new development environment and an enterprise service registry can boost service consumption in a composite application.
  • In part 2, we use the adaptive web service model created in the first part to model and develop a simple Web Dynpro application. We make use of the modeling capabilities of Web Dynpro and its templates for controllers and views.
    It is standard Web Dynpro and should also be suitable for a Web Dynpro newbie.
  • Part 3 shows the necessary configuration in the NetWeaver Administrator tool and the application in action: we create the web service destinations for our adaptive web service model and finally run the application.
    You may not want to miss this part as it tops our little demo off with the actual "go-live".

I hope you like this little demo as much as I liked creating it. Have fun!

0 Kudos
Good Work ... Helpful for beginners looking to use ES.

Former Member
0 Kudos
in the new SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 .how to development remote application ?
Former Member
0 Kudos

Can you please provide us Service Registry configuration details to connect to SAP ES Workplace?

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have tried to test your demo on my Netweaver CE Environment, and I did exatly the same what you showe on the movie.I build the project, but I get a runtime error message:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Loader /L_local#ConsReadPurchaseOrder could not load class

Have you got any idea, what cause this error?

Thank you,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

this sounds somewhat familiar to me.

Please check if all Web Dynpro references are being set correctly in the SAP NetWeaver IDE (this should by a fixed bug, but you never know...):
- in the IDE --> right-click on the project --> Properties --> Web Dynpro --> have a look at the tabs that appear on the right.
- tab "library references" should contain the two entries: tc/je/webservices/lib and tc~wd~wslib~api
- tab "service references" should contain the  entry: tc~je~webservices~api
- If not, add these entries, then rebuild your project, create the archive and deploy.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Som,
you need to have users in the related ES Workplace systems. Check out the "Explore Enterprise Services Section" on SDN for this:
Besides that, all you need to configure in the IDE for the connection to the Service Registry is shown in my demo:
- maintain the http proxy settings
- maintain the SAP Services Registry settings
This is done in the 'Preferences' section of the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I am not sure if I understand your question.
The deployment of a Web Dynpro application hasn't changed with SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1 and is still the same as on SAP NetWeaver 04 and 04S.
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by "develop remote application"?
Thanks, regards,

Former Member
0 Kudos

The following error message appear when I try acess the Service Registry from the Developer Studio to create the Web dynpro model:

"Authentication to Service Registry failed"

even when I do have user id and password to access any of the backent (ERP, SCM, XI and SRM) systems behind the ES Workplace.

More over, I try access manually to without any problem, with no need of userd id nor password.

Any suggestion ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

The following error message appear when I try acess the Service Registry from the Developer Studio to create the Web dynpro model:

"Authentication to Service Registry failed"

even when I do have user id and password to access any of the backent (ERP, SCM, XI and SRM) systems behind the ES Workplace.

More over, I try access manually to without any problem, with no need of userd id nor password.

Any suggestion ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

I tried follow the example mentioned here but the following message error appear when Developer Studio try connect to the Service Registry:

"Authentication to Service Registry failed".

Even when I do have user id and password to access all the backend systems (ERP, SCM, SRM and XI) behind ES Workplace.

More over, I access manually to the without any problem and no user id or password is requested.

Question: does the "server Port" of the has changed ?

Any suggestion ?

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Gustavo, try using user sruser and password eswork123 in port 50200, it worked to me.
Best, Ignacio.
Former Member
0 Kudos
from Enterprise Services Workplace FAQ:
I would like to integrate the Services Registry into my development environment, but it doesn't work. What do I have to do?
You can integrate the Services Registry in your development environment by using an artificial user with the necessary rights. The user name is sruser and password is eswork123. You can also use this credentials for testing an enterprise service with the Web Services Navigator directly out of the Services Registry.
Former Member
0 Kudos
He Rudi,
Thanks for posting such a great Blog. I am using NW CE 7.1 SR3. As per your blog after making settings int NWA and NWDS, after putting the user id an dpwd for the Service Registry Login I am getting error as 'Unable to connect to Services Registry'.
Can you please help me out ?

Now there is one more input field in the new NWDS i.e. Server HTTPS Port and I am putting value as 50043
Is this is the right value I am putting.
Please put some light on this problem.

Thanks & regads
Vivek Kumar
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Vivek,

you may want to re-check the user/pw you use. These are two different ones for the service registry and the actual ERP system (HU2). In the NWDS you will need both users (first one for browsing the registry, 2nd to read the wsdl after you found the URL to the service). Check the logs in your NWDS workspace in the .metadata directory. This should give further hints.

reg your second question: as long as you don't use any https-address, this input field should't matter. The server ports can be checked from the default page of your CE server in the system information link.

Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
I am using NWDS CE 7.1 SR5. As per your blog after making settings in NWA and NWDS, after putting the user id (sruser) and pwd (eswork123)for the Service Registry Login. I am getting error as 'Unable to connect to Services Registry'.
Can you please help me out ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Pavani,

try, i.e. 'sr' instead of 'xi' in the address for services registry.
The URL for the registry has changed since the time when I created the blog.

Hope that helps...
best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Rudi,
I'm also using NWDS CE 7.1 SR5, no proxy settings and using "" port 50200. I have no ESR localy installed. I get the Unable to connect to service registry error when I try to connect with user "sruser" and pwd "eswork123". It seemes you answered this question before but changes suggested doesn't help my case...........

Please help
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

try it out with port 80.

Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
It's not working in my case.
I'm using NWDS CE 7.1 SP6, using "" port 80. I get the error message "Unable to connect to service registry"
I entered ID&Password(sruser/eswork123). Do I miss something?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
What about your http proxy settings?
Former Member
0 Kudos
Try and setup the "Server and Runtime" to "Server: SAP Server" and "Web Service Runtime: SAP Netweaver". You should be able to connect I did.

Former Member
0 Kudos
It's working now.
In my case,
service registry :
port: 50000
ID  : sruser
Pwd : eswork123
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi I couldn't able to connect to HU2 ESR from my NWDS. What are the current Enterprise Servce Browser host and port settings in the NWDS ?

Thanks, Anil
Former Member
0 Kudos

i have recently downloaded CE 7.1 and NWDS 7.1 EHP1. i was going through your blog and i see there are certain differences in terms of the setting we do in the window-> preference tab of the NWDS. for example in ur first video you have mentioned about webservices->SAP service registry settings. in my NWDS version i have webservices -> service registry. i can see only three fields there  server, port  and https port. what should i put there.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Sankar,

try this:
- in "Web Services" --> "Service Registry", enter "" as host and "80" as port.
- make sure that your proxy settings in "General" -> "Network Connections" are maintained.

There are some additions in the Web Services framework  of EhP 1. The way Web Services usage is described in my blog may no longer be the ideal one.

Best regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos

I am trying to test the external web service using WS Navigator and putting the URL in WSDL URL. I have also configured the host , port and allowed host in the SOA Middleware Global Settings: HTTP Proxy.  I am getting the following error:

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi I started working with the videos but I deon't find how to create the Web Dynpro Project. I'm using the NW CE 7.1 EHP1 Version

thanks for your help