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Improving user adoption, performance and satisfaction is key to a successful – and sustainable – implementation. Workers want to feel competent and efficient. They want to do a good job and feel good about doing it. I believe that people come to work every day trying to do a good job...they may not succeed every day, but no one heads to work planning to make mistakes.  They want the new processes to become routine as quickly as possible, because facing change (even change for the better) is hard.

When a user feels unsure about what he or she is supposed to do and uncertain about how it’s supposed to be done, job satisfaction plummets. Embarrassment is a productivity killer, so forcing users to acknowledge their insecurities by asking for help is not the answer.

Change is hard. Especially change that potentially affects your performance evaluation and your job security. Learning to use new tools and follow new processes is incredibly stressful. Those of us who oversee implementation and training sometimes forget that.

Think about it, when you make mistakes in front of other people, how do you feel? More motivated? Not likely. After a couple of misfires, you’re likely to get frustrated, defensive, even angry. How productive is that?

So what’s a manager to do?

The answer in a nutshell? Power to the people!

Actually, the answer is that there are an amazing number of tools available that put the power to learn more effectively in the hands of the person who actually is doing the learning.

Why is that more effective? By ceding much of the control to the learner, you engage him or her more fully in the process. By assuming ownership of their own learning process, users build both confidence and competency. By controlling their own pace, they learn faster, retain more, and become more productive and satisfied.

So what’s the tangible business benefit?

Improved user performance results in a greater return on your SAP investment and a reduction in your total cost of ownership. It’s a proven fact.

Needless to say, successfully transforming user performance is a bit more involved than it sounds, so I’m sharing the details in an interactive theater presentation called Power to the Users: higher ROI and lower TCO through user performance (😃 at Managing Your SAP Projects 2012, the SAPinsider conference coming up next week in Las Vegas. We’ll explore how SAP Education’s offerings can help your users perform better, smarter and faster.

So ask yourself, what’s not to like?

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