This is a continuation in series started by fellow members of SCN with "Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine". Following are the links to the blogs written around this topic previously:
Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 1, Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 2, Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 3, Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 4, Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 5
In this blog we will understand the concept of Node Level Filter Rules and in which scenarios would this concept be most applicable with respect to defining the distribution of business data to the end users.
Let us understand - What are Node Level Filter Rules and how are they different from Normal Distribution Rules?
In case of Normal Distribution Rules - bulk rules or rules defined based on criteria fields, the rule evaluation is done to identify all the instances of the Data Object that satisfy the criteria and send the "whole" instance to the subscribed devices. By "whole" I mean that all the data across all the nodes of the Data Object instance are sent.
However, there could be scenarios where the end-user of the device is really interested in receiving only some part of the data to work upon in his day-to-day work and hence it is not necessary to clog his/her device with too much information which will not be used.
For example: a service technician is responsible for handling service orders from the "South Region" and among these orders he is responsible only for Item type "Washing Machine" of Make "Whirlpool". In such scenarios where you wish to further filter the data to be sent to the device users, Node Level Filter Rules can be used.
Node Level Filter Rules provide a mechanism by which the data to be sent to the subscribed devices can be filtered at the node level of a Data Object.
Let's take an example of Order Data Object with following hierarchy:
Order_Header: Order Code, Customer Code, Customer Name, Region
|___ Order_Items: Order Code, Item Code, ItemType_Make
Also, lets take some example data:
Order Code | Customer Code | Customer Name | Region |
Ord001 | Cust001 | ABC | SOUTH |
Ord002 | Cust002 | XYZ | NORTH |
Ord003 | Cust003 | PQR | SOUTH |
Order Code | Item Code | Item Name | ItemType_Make |
Ord001 | Item001 | Television | TV_Sony |
Ord001 | Item002 | Music System | MS_Kenwood |
Ord002 | Item002 | Music System | MS_Sony |
Ord002 | Item003 | Washing Machine | WM_Whirlpool |
Ord003 | Item003 | Washing Machine | WM_Whirlpool |
Ord003 | Item001 | Television | TV_Samsung |
Now, let's have following service technicians (devices) with device attributes:
Region = North; Expertise = TV_Sony, MS_Sony
Region = South; Expertise = WM_IFB, WM_Whirlpool
Our requirement is:
If we model a Distribution Rule with following criteria:
Order_Header.Region = Mobile.Region
Order_Items.ItemType_Make = Mobile.Expertise
With the above data:
So, both the technicians are getting "non-relevant" information which they do not require.
Following is the solution to deal with the above situation:
Have a Distribution Rule that filters Orders based on Region, that is;
Order_Header.Region= Mobile.Region
Additionally, have a Node Level Filter Rule created at the Order_Items level with criteria: Order_Items.ItemType_Make = Mobile.Expertise
First, the Distribution Rule will filter the Order Headers based on Region for the subscribed technicians (devices) and then for these Order Headers, the Node Level Filter Rule will further filter the Order Items based on the expertise of the technicians.
To create a NLF Rule on a Data Object:
Now, also let's see the runtime behavior when we have one Distribution Rule (Normal Rule) and one Node Level Filter Rule (NLF Rule) as described in the Order example above with their Active / Inactive states in the Distribution Rule Administration:
Normal Rule | NLF Rule | Output |
Inactive | Inactive | No Order Data will be sent to any technician |
Active | Inactive | Order_Header Data will be sent to the Technicians based on the Region but none of the Order_Items will be sent |
Active | Active | Order_Header Data will be sent based on the Region and Order_Items will be further filtered based on the Expertise |
Inactive | Active | No Order Data will be sent to any technician |
To summarize:
A Node Level Filter Rule cannot evaluate data distribution on its own. It filters the data at the node level only of those Data Object instances that have been identified through Normal Distribution Rule evaluation.
If an NLF Rule criterion on a particular node of a Data Object is not satisfied at runtime, then all the data corresponding to that node and its subsequent child nodes will not be sent to the subscribed devices.
Also, if there is a dependency defined with another data object as following object such that the dependency link is from the same node where NLF rule is defined, then the corresponding dependant data will also be sent only if the NLF rule criteria at the leading object are satisfied.