Hi all,
I'm very exicted that the new release of the SAP Memory Analyzer version 1.1.1 can now be dowloaded for free from http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/webcontent/uuid/8070021f-5af6-2910-5688-bde8f4....
We listened to the community and now offer downloads for all the major operating systems, including 64 bit versions and including Mac OS X!
One tip from my side :
The absolute "killer feature" is the "top consumers" query you can find under "queries->core".
This query will give you a global overview of where in your java packages the most memory is retained. And this query is fast, it usually takes only a few seconds even on big (Gigabytes) heap dumps ! This query makes an initial memory consumption analysis so easy, that it can be even done be non programmers, maybe even by managers 😉
For a more detailed description of the new features check the new and noteworthy page on the wiki.
I plan to blog about the new release here, so stay tuned and in the meantime download the new release and enjoy the new features.