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Communications is more than just speaking or sending a message – you need to ensure that ‘got it!’ on the other end. When you get a ‘got it’, you know you’re well on the way to successfully managing change, ensuring operational compliance, and managing on-the-job performance.  In the second of a three-part series, I’m sharing a story about successful communications within the SAP Field Enablement team.

Goal: Generate more sales pipeline

The SAP Americas Education team is actively using the latest communications tools to help with field enablement across a geographically dispersed team with a big portfolio.

In the past, the team relied on emails, webinars, and live training to share information. Though the information was good, stakeholders had no way to effectively track whether it was truly received and understood. In addition, the content was not very easily re-usable by sales teams at the point-of-need.  For example, a sales representative about to meet with a customer implementing a new SAP technology would need to be connected to the SAP network and would then search for information, possibly buried in a past webinar.  Now, reps can access the information from their mobile device, by very specific topic and in an easy-to-consume format such as small solution briefs, short videos, or a few PowerPoint slides.

Teams have reported a significant improvement in convenience and effectiveness for learning. Better prepared = more effective = more sales. And, by replacing the typical weekly 1-hour webinar with small, concise, learning snacks delivered via SAP® Communication Center by ANCILE, enablement stakeholders have contributed to significant time-management improvements for the sales field. More time for customers = more opportunity for pipeline growth.

In the final part of our series, I’ll highlight how policy training can actually be interesting for your learners.

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