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Panel Discussion: Does B2B Social Media Marketing Work?

When: July 10, 2013 at 9 AM PT/ Noon ET

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Does B2B Social Media Marketing Work?, Webinar, Panel

Social media is the latest hype. There is ample evidence that it works for business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing but does it work for business-to-business (B2B)?  B2B sales cycles are often longer and more complex than B2C ones, and the price point is usually higher.

Questions this event will attempt to answer:

  • Do B2B customers care about Facebook, Twitter, blogs or branded communities?
  • Is it worth investing time, money, and people in social media marketing?

During this session, four Silicon Valley social media professionals will share what has worked for them and what to avoid. Don’t miss this session if you want to be able to make an educated decision about integrating, or not integrating, social media into your company’s B2B marketing strategy.

About the Panel

Panel Moderator

Natascha Thomson, MarketingXLerator:

natascha.thomson is the Owner & Founder of MarketingXLerator, a B2B Social Media Marketing Consultancy and the co-author of the book 42 Rules for B2B Social Media Marketing. She has over 15 years experience in B2B marketing, and holds two master’s degrees. LinkedIn, @NaThomson


Audrey Stevenson, SAP:

oddss is a Sr. Editor and Community Manager at SAP Community Network (SCN). As part of the core team that recently launched game mechanics in the community, Audrey helped to more than double the activity and engagement on the site in just the first month. @Oddss

Perrine Crampton, Citrix:

Perrine is the Community Programs Manager at Citrix, Inc., managing the Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) influencer program, community & user groups. As a Social Media Strategist & Evangelist, she is passionate about helping corporate organizations connect with customers & partners in new ways. @PCrampton

Devon Crews, Luminesa:

Dev is the CMO/CSO at Luminesa, a creative agency serving Fortune 500 and fast-growth companies. She has helped leading companies to build trusted brands, design innovative products, and maximize new business opportunities. @DevCrews

Neil Blecherman Neil Blecherman, Intel:

Neil is the Director of Social Media Partner Strategy at Intel Corporation, responsible for developing Intel’s social media engagement strategy with large ISV partners. @NeilBlecherman  

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