It was 5 months ago when I read Marilyn's Blog Community Organized Events: YOU are making them happen and decided to announce first SAP Inside Track in Istanbul.
Thanks to everyone who helped the event during this timeline and we made it real today!
Marilyn Pratt; your encouragements was important for us during the first days of the preparation. Thank you for helping us to make this happen.
Aslan Noghre-kar; virtual setup worked perfectly. 2 of our friends couldn't join us because of health problems and they successfully followed event online. Thank you for guiding us with virtual setup. We tried to record all sessions. I hope we'll see them on SCN soon.
Ibrahim Gunduz; it is easy to organize this type of event with you. Not only your presentation, your help was priceless with organizing the conference room, lunch, coffee&tea, badges and of course nice excel macro for distributing the books.
Serden Civril; it was a unique experinece for me to prepare a demo and presentation on skype with you. Your Flex experience helped us a lot to prepare an attractive demo.
Fatih Cagiran; it was upsetting that you couldn't joined us. Although your health problems, you prepared a great presentation with recorded audio. I hope you get well soon.
Huseyin Bilgen; we felt the teched experience with your presentation. Thank you for preparing such a great Teched summary.
Diek Ersoz Adak; you helped us a lot even you are not developer like most of us and most of the session topics were technical. Thank you for being with us.
Aydin Alp; thank you for taking a lot of pictures and videos. I'm looking forward to get them.
Certification5 Team; I'm sorry we didn't hear you because of audio problems. Anyway, it was funny for us even to try. I promise I will do my best to announce your research and survey to attendees.
Martin Gillet; thank you for helping us to organize sponsorship from SAP Press and TweetWallPro.
SAP Press; the draw for the books was the most funny part of the event. Thank you for supporting our event.
And of course many thanks to everyone who spent their weekend with community. I heard that there was foggy but really good weather outside. We may not see such a great weather for 3-4 months.
I'll post details and pictures later but I want to share only this picture to show you how people was happy during event 🙂

I'm looking forward to see SAP Inside Track at Ankara.