Development of design objects and configuration objects for building the interfaces is the role of PI developer till yesterday..
Most of you agree with me, Today we PI developers are delegated / obligated to look after transports also as the dearth of NetWeaver administrators increase and Basis team’s disinterest to poke into Java services which most are not familiar (coming from ABAP background).
It became inevitable for PI developers to fill that role as value addition. Which we can’t deny to complete the work we have done 100%.
Without transport it is termed as 80% only otherwise. So let’s take that challenge….here is a help guide for you how to accomplish that.
Don’t be nervous, do this with concentrated mind without deviations or especially if people are not around you.
As simple mistake may turn very expensive. If you are not able to revert what you have done..
Click on SLD link in PI home page..
Im explaining this from a transport that was configured between PI Development to PI production point..
Assuming that you have already created Software components without which you cant develop your design objects..
Assuming that you have created Products for building interfaces with your 3rd party systems.
You would have created SAP business system in PID(Pi dev.) as BS_SAP, and in PIQ(PI Quality) as BS_SAP_QA and in PIP(PI Prd) as BS_SAP_PROD.
If not you can create like this no wrong at all.
Likewise Non SAP systems as BS_3PTY_DEV, BS_3PTY_QA, BS_3PTY_PROD.
Yes it has to be like this (common naming is not desired what I mean)
Now let’s have a look at Technical Systems..
In PID Select your technical system [ Web AS ABAP]
you should find your SAP systems list hosted on eccdev-db / eccqa-db/ eccprod-db something like this.
You should also find your PID on xxxx-xx hosetd on xxx-xx. If not create your PID under Web As ABAP ( Usually your basis team will push this data)
Select your technical System [Web as JAVA]
If not make sure you will have this maintained.
Now select technical System Type [Exchange Infrastructure]
- You should have the following here (this is for cross check only)
Select your Business System [ BS_SAP] which is SAP Dev
In the Integration tab it should have
Role [ Application System]
Related Integration Server [ INTEGRATION_SERVER_PID]
Group [Not mandatory here]
Technical System [ xxx on eccdev ]
Logical System name [ xxCLNT***]
TRANSPORTtab [ nothing here]
Select your BS_3PTY_DEV in business system
Role [ Allication System]
Related Integration Server [ INTEGRATION_SERVER_PID]
Group [ No group Assigned]
Technical System [ 3PTY on host ]
Logical System Name [ BS_3PTY_DEV]
In Technical System Type [ Web As ABAP ]
Make sure you have systems like this..
In Technical System Type [Web as JAVA]
Now go to Business Systems
Create a group for dev systems and another for Production systems
XIPRD for TargetSystems namely..
Include BS_SAP , BS_3PTY_DEV into group XIDEV.
Include BS_SAP_PRD, BS_3PTY_PRD into group XIPRD.
You can assign group to business systems at Integration tab.
Now, select BS_SAP and select transport tab
Add/Change target give group [XIPRD] and Target destination as [BS_SAP_PRD]
Select BS_3TYP_DEV and select transport tab
Add/Change target give group [XIPRD]
Target destination as [BS_3TYP_PRD].
SAVE without fail where ever needed.
Now if you transport your objects from DEV Integration
directory may be as a file based transport and import to PIP ID. You will find
all your scenarios automatically assigned to BS_SAP_PRD and BS_3PTY_PRD
For soap receiver’s Target URL’s need to be changed. If objects are getting activated, check for specific objects which need to be corrected like Communication Channel's target URL’s.
On activating them you can activate all your objects. Never think of deleting technical systems and creating again. It is not suggested.
Ask basis to push these details (may be export & import).
It is recommended to have a look at the following doc if you find ambiguity in above document.
Recommended : Have a read on above link System Landscape Directory -User Manual-