1 (and 1D) Rig chemical about community evangelist. (5,6)
The letters of Rig Chemical, turned about, lead to our favourite community evangelist, Craig Cmehil.
7 Sounds like BOBJ and God are on the same songsheet, creating this. (8)
Being on the same songsheet can mean doing the same thing. God created the universe, and Business Objects people often create universes - the domain of their data.
8 Strikes bells for harmonious sounds. (6)
Both "Strikes bells" and "harmonious sounds" are synonyms for Chimes.
9 Yeaworth creature stored without format in the database. (4)
Jean Yeaworth directed the classic film "The Blob". And a blob is a way of storing unstructured data in a database.
12 Drink with sympathy becomes a Broadway production. (3).
Tea is a drink. Tea and Sympathy is a play that ran to 712 performance on Broadway.
14 Initially, wisdom is key indicator for collecting knowledge collaboratively. (4).
The initial letters of "Wisdom Is Key Indicator" form the word Wiki, which is a way of sharing and collecting knowledge collaboratively.
15 eXtended, it's four letters. (3)
A TLA is a three letter acronym. With four letters, it becomes and eXtended TLA - or XTLA.
18 With controlled delete, shuts down. (3)
With control-ALT-delete, you shut down many flavours of the Windows operating system.
20 We hear result of cut and paste in the forums is of no benefit. (9)
Some community members who've violated copyright law by copying other people's work without any attribution, and didn't listen to warnings, got their points reduced. They had less points. And without benefit is "pointless".
22 "You'd better join in!", declares Siegfried Boes, repeatedly. (3)
In the forum, Siegfried has proved many times that For All Entries (FAE) is the vast majority of the time not preferable to inner joins.
23 Affirmative in polyester. (3)
Affirmative is "yes". And yes appears in the word polyester.
25 Program a bun. (4)
To ABAP is to program. And "a bap" is a bun.
27 Knit losing head produces link. (3)
One stitch in knitting the purl. Take the first letter (the head) off purl, and you get URL.
30 Hunger for big integer. (4)
To long for something is to hunger for it. And long is often a type representing a larger integer than the standard type.
31 Uses message type A - wild or bats? (6)
Message type A is "abort". The letters of "or bats" mixed up wildly is "aborts".
33 After Ctrl-Alt-Delete, let chaos return to the land. (8).
Ctrl-Alt-Delete is "reset". "Let" chaotically mixed up is "tle". And resettle (putting the two together), means "return to the land".
34 Counterfeit moron. (5)
A dummy is a counterfeit, and also a moron.
1 See 1A.
2 Scent from a gypsy. (5)
A scent is an aroma. An "a Roma" is a gypsy.
3 Point gaming - result conjectured, we hear. (5)
If you play the points system - point gaming - you might find your account disappears, and your posts will be attributed to "guest". If you conjectured a result, you'd have guessed. Which sounds like "guest".
4 Spiky sphere in windows game. (7)
A ball with pins - a pinball - would be a spiky sphere. Pinball is one of the games that comes with the Windows XP operating system.
5 Under? Shout, take down a litre! (5)
A "bellow" is a shout. Remove one litre - i.e. the letter "l", and you get "below", which means "under".
6 Server side script engine bites Cleopatra. (3)
Cleopatra was bitten by an asp. Asp is a server side script engine developed by Microsoft.
10 Midget, famously describing spotted bikini (5).
"She wore a teeny weeny itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini", says the song. Bitsy means small - or midget.
11 Dances to the forum software. (5)
The forum software is Jive. Jives means dances.
13 Consumer has a meal. (5)
A consumer is an eater. Someone who is having a meal is an eater.
15 Adjust SAPGui. (5)
The program to adjust (or tweak) SAPGui is called Tweak SAP Gui.
16 Shock revolt. (5)
Appal means both "shock" and "revolt".
17 Picture this file. (3)
GIF is a popular file format for pictures.
19 Looks like binary two. (3)
Binary two is 10. Which looks like ten to those of us who count on our fingers, rather than with electrons. There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
21 A gun? Thy wild point-hunter! (7)
Mix up wildly the letters of "A gun? Thy", and you get naughty - which describes people who'll do anything to get points.
24 In a relationship diagram, horror film might appear. (6)
The Entity is a horror film. In software/database design, we use Entity Relationship Diagrams.
26 Might Portugal swap Lichenstein in bloom? (5)
Might is power. A bloom is a flower. Lichenstein is represent by FL, and Portugal by P. Swap the FL in flower for P, and you get power.
28 Netted reverse sticker. (5)
Laced is another word for netted. A sticker is a decal, which is laced reversed.
29 Bulletin board - unsure of purpose? (5)
A bulletin is a forum. It's for... um...
32 Four bits represented in one within the xylophone. (3)
A hex digit represents four binary digits, four bits. And the word hex can be found in the xylophone.