If you use putty to connect to various Linux and Unix system.
One of the joys of supporting many SAP customers is the huge numbers of systems you may need to connect to. Just got a new Laptop and have over 100 putty (telnet) connections defined. How to the configuration over to the new system.
Laptop: Migrate Putty. http://ryepup.unwashedmeme.com/blog/2007/02/22/migrate-putty….
"PuTTY stores its session information in the registry, and there's no function in PuTTY itself to import/export sessions. This makes moving to a new computer a little sticky."
Using USB thumb drive
Step 1 on old PC
regedit /ea D:\myputty.reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY
Step 2 on new PC
regedit /s D:\myputty.reg