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congrats on the new role and a great first post on sustainability.

On Green IT - I think the opportunities there are massive. Everything from Smart Grids to better supply chain visibility to smart transport and smart cities.

SAP has a significant role to play in Green IT (and is already heavily involved in some of these initiatives).

I'm really looking forward to seeing the fruits of SAP's increased focus on Sustainability.

Well done.
Active Contributor
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Hi Peter,

Considering the huge and wide network of SAP across the globe, people directly associated with SAP or the extended SAP fraternity, i do believe that it's will be a very effective initiative.

All the very best.

Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Congratulations on this blog announcement and the overall initiative!  This is a very exciting time for SAP.  With Sustainability initiatives and Green IT, SAP has the opportunity to have a multiplier effect through the tens of thousands of SAP customers that can take advantage of SAP Sustainability solutions and opportunities to apply Green IT technologies to reducing data center and other IT consumption.  Thanks for helping us lead the charge!

Thanks also for joining our SAP TechEd 2009 global planning meeting a couple weeks ago.  We took some baby steps last year at TechEd 2008 and this year we are planning even more programs and savings opportunities when we bring SAP TechEd to Phoenix in October.   When we were onsite a few weeks ago in Phoenix for initial planning, it was exciting to see the serious approach that both the City of Phoenix and the Phoenix Convention Center are taking to sustainability efforts.

In addition, the SAP TechEd team will be driving a number of sustainability initiatives as we continue to plan SAP TechEd 2009 Phoenix, Vienna, Bangalore, and Shanghai.

Congratulations again and continued success with this major initiative at SAP!

Former Member
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For long, SAP customers have been led down the garden path by SIs playing on large transformational deals - primarily around sustenance. And SAP has also been more focussed on new license sales.

There is good in this downturn after all...waiting to see the next blog.

Thank you and best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Peter,
Love the post - thrilled to be building some new global strategic customer communities around this all-too-important topic.  I can feel the wind turbines of change all around us ...... 
Former Member
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Congratulations on your new position; what an honor to have a job that fills a business and global need.  I just finished watching Léo Apotheker’s keynote address at CeBIT.  SAP is taking on a lot of positive responsibility, especially with its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint by 60 % per employee by 2020.  I would also like to encourage SAP focusing its social responsibility spending in the area of education, in order to fix the problem we must know the problem. I look forward to see the progress of the different strategies being implemented in SAP and its customers.

David Herrema
Former Member
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Hello Tom,

great to see you chime in into the conversation. I just returned home after an amazing week on the road talking to customers. As you said, the opportunities for IT to contribute are significant.

I have a question regarding how people see the difference between "Green IT" and Sustainability. For me, "Green IT" is a set of activities targeted at increasing the energy efficiency of IT. I look at Sustainability as a future state of society, that will require IT to not only fix its own footprint (Green IT), but apply IT to solve the challenges and opportunities to make business processes more sustainable ...

Former Member
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Hi Peter,

I may not be off the mark if I say that if there is one function in the corporate world now that has wider influence and promise of better world it would be Sustainability.

It is at the end of the 20th century, that concerned people wanted to witness a better 21st C.

-     Nancy J. Adler asked, “Why not have peace in the twenty-first century?”

-     Richard J. Welford wrote the book “Environmental Strategy and Sustainable Development: The Corporate Challenge for the twenty-First Century.”

-      Pradip N.Khandwalla showed the need to travel the path to organizational exaltation as a sequel to the so long travelled path of organizational excellence.

There would be many more indeed.

For instance, in a book on Business Ethics, Chris Moon and Clive Bonny said, “Although there is a wealth of material on the theories and principles of business ethics, there is a dearth of practical help, and so this book evolved from a desire to provide frameworks by which organizations can set and instill ethical values and standards.”

The same thing may apply to Sustainability also.
So the new announcement I hope would show the importance of implementation and practice of many things that we are talking about with concern.

Congratulations on getting such a contributory role.

Sam Anbazhagan
Former Member
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Glad to hear SAP is taking sustainability seriously! We should make the topic a big focus on SCN. Would love to hear from more community members about their take and involvement.
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  I think that the idea to focus on sustainability is great! Besides the environmental hazards for the planet, there is also the topic of Peak Oil in near future as well as Peak Commodities, and these two will definitely change the way our society runs.
Best regards, Daniel.
Former Member
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Songs good, very good! This is a great opportunity for IT contribute more with this good case. Together, we are a powerful "sharing practices engine" as change agents.

0 Kudos
Sorry to add a negative note to this cheerleading session, but the greenhouse gases that people are talking about is carbon-dioxide.  We breathe it out, plants breathe it in, and thus the supply of it is biologically regulated.

The science around this idea is questionable and yet unquestioned, and is likely to disappear as quickly as the global cooling movement in the 70s.

I don't think that it is a good idea for SAP to build a system around it.
Former Member
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I may only like to suggest you a visit to the following sites to appreciate the enormity of the issue.

There may be many more too.
It is likely that your view may get revised as a result.
In fact it is your comment that has prompted me to visit these sites and become a little more knowledgable myself!

Sam Anbazhagan
0 Kudos
Hi Michael,
   Have you heard of Peak Oil, and there is also peak coal, peak gas, peak uranium, the world is running out of fossil fuels in my opinion!
Best regards, Daniel.