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Date: December 8

Time: 4:00 pm Eastern

Title: Learning Hub Update

Logon Details: SAP Community Calls Dial-in info

It has been a while since we have had a SAP Mentor Monday webinar, and to quote ESPN's Mike & Mike "we're back and better than ever".  Hopefully many of you have tried out the SAP Learning Hub at like I have.  SAP's arnoldpettersen-jung has agreed to provide an update in this public SAP Mentor Monday webcast.

The Learning Hub not only provides various training options but it also is intended to be a path towards certification.   In April, SAP gave an ASUG webcast on the topic - see A Lot to Learn from Learning Hub – ASUG Webcast

Since then, several more Learning Rooms have been added with experienced SAP instructors like Mark Green (HANA) and Martha Thieme (Web Intelligence).  I know in Mark's HANA course he provides sample quiz questions to help you prepare for certification exam.

Even if you are not interested in SAP Certification, I find the information in the SAP Learning Hub very helpful, especially in the SAP Utilities area, which spans a wide area of knowledge.

The webcast is 4 weeks away so in the mean time please see Learning Rooms by tom.cenens : SAP Learning Hub - Learning rooms

Tom also shares how to get access Getting access & accessing SAP Learning Hub #SAPEducation

Additionally there have been improvements to the Learning Hub since jansirani.murugesan wrote this - I Like & I Wish For SAP Learning Hub Discovery Edition!

m.lee shares more how-to's with this nice blog Navigating SAP Learning Hub Course Guides

How has Learning Hub helped me?  I use it anytime I want to do text analysis like this: Using Lumira and Lumira Cloud to Review SAP Inside Track Hamburg Tweets

So be sure to join us on Monday, December 8th, to obtain a Learning Hub update and see how it can help you grow your professional knowledge.