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We've been talking - blogging - about taking the time to invest in yourself.   There are many ways to do it.   Here is a FREE, and local to many of you, way to advance your skills.  The SAP Inside Track is all about educating people while having fun.

So are you local to ChicagoSt. Louis? Maybe you would just like to travel to one of the locations...  Then..  Why not take advantage of a free seminar?  We have an amazing group of speakers at both locations.

July 15 - MARK THAT DATE! 

SAP Track is going on in two places!!!!  Why is that cool?  Having SAP Inside track running in two location, who cares right?  You can only be in one place at the same time.  WRONG.  We will be streaming St. Louis in Chicago in a different room.  So you will have even more choices on what to watch.

What are you waiting for?  Take the time to stop by our WIKI and sign up for the event.  Why register early?  Well two reasons: One we need to know how many people are coming.  Two the space is limited in each location.

Chicago Speakers - In alphabetic order - I come first that way!

  • ME! Michelle Crapo
  • Ivan Femia
  • Ginger Gatling
  • Ina Mutschelknaus
  • Tammy Powlas
  • Bala Prabahar

Speakers in both places - AT ONE TIME!

  • Thomas Jung
  • Peter McNulty

St. Louis Speakers:

  • Shoeb Javed
  • Dallas Marks
  • Eric Vallo

What are the sessions?  Really?  Just click the link - you can do it!  Then SIGN UP

I know you you'll be as excited as I am about these events.  They both should be very good.  My only problem is that I want to go to all the sessions!  Sadly, I can't be two places at once.