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SAP Inside Track Istanbul 2010 is organized successfully last Saturday. Thanks again to everyone who has taken a part in this great event.


It was different from any event I participated in so far. In this blog I will provide the materials that we have used but I can say that you will not be able to feel what we felt during the event. These are just PowerPoint slideshows. Inside Track is more than scheduled technical presentations. If you haven’t organized an Inside Track in your city yet, start to organize yours today.


Although we prepared a detailed agenda, we made modifications at the beginning of the event. There was a lunch organized by SAP Turkey which we didn’t put into agenda since it was half day event. The lunch took longer than planned and we had to cancel one of my presentations. Anyway, it was also good for people to meet who don’t know each other yet and talk about the event.


Most of the people didn’t know about Inside Track events. As an introduction, we tried to explain people “what it is” and “why and where it is organized”. I prepared a small presentation about it:


After introduction, Ibrahim Gunduz started his session: “Managing Huge and Complex Landscape During Implementation”


Fatih Cagiran couldn't joined us because of health issues. He prepared a powerpoint presentation with audio and we showed this presentation to attendees during the event.


After this session, we started to our session Adobe Flex Development and Real World Integration Scenarios with BlazeDS with Serden Civril.


Then, Huseyin Bilgen presented his observations from Teched with “SAP Technology Outlook” session.


Finally we connected to Certification5 team to listen them. Unfortunately we had an audio problem and they couldn’t present their session but I can say that we had fun while we were trying to setup audio.


We were planning to organize an evening event but everyone was tired and went home after the event, We went to celebrate our first Inside Track event only for 6 people.


The good news came from Ankara team and they started to organize #sitank SAP Inside Track Ankara (I think in 2011) It is nice to see more Inside Track events happening around.


You can see some photos from #SITIST at