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(Views expressed here are mine and not necessarily SAP AG.)


SAP Communities, SAP Mentors, what's in it for me ? How to convince my boss to let me access it ? Meet us at TechEd in the Expert Networking Lounge !


Get the best of the SAP Community places, insight glance at SDN and the SAP Mentors.


In today challenging world, surrounded by new technologies and communication channels, it is quite tough to stay ahead and keep up with the SAP technology watch.


Learn how to stay on the of the edge through the SAP Communities, which includes the SAP Mentors initiative. Identify through this walkthrough what SAP Communities can bring you, discover new areas, perhaps unknown, where you can also maintain your learning curve raising. Attendees will get some tips how to start and/or enhance their 'filters' facing these multiple sources of information. illustrated by the SAP Mentor initiative, on boarding a panel of experts next to you. Attendees will get best practices on how to reach SAP experts panel and their expertise, by using WEB 2.0 tools such as twitter. Last but not least, identify the arguments to be provided to your manager to let your manager allocate time to these activities and/or unblock the accesses to it.


Take home useful appendixes and a shortlist of handy weblinks.



Onsite #sapteched proposed agenda is :



Lounge 7 EXP305 SAP Communities, SAP Mentors, what's in it for me ? How to convince my boss to let m...


Las Vegas

Lounge 4 EXP298 SAP Communities, SAP Mentors, what's in it for me ? How to convince my boss to let m...


Cherry on the pie !


Meet me onsite and get this sticky argument for your boss!

-offer valid while supply last 🙂 -


My SAP Inside Track Presentations held in Brussels & London 

Also, perhaps read the following presentation and watch the following footage, as background information.


SAP Inside Track Brussels (2010)  


Presentation : 'SAP Communities and SAP Mentors : What's in it for me, how to convince my boss to let me access it ?' - the slides



Presentation : 'SAP Communities and SAP Mentors : What's in it for me, how to convince my boss to let me access it ?' -  the recorded session aka the replay. (Adobe Connect).


SAP Inside Track London (2010)

Presentation : The specified item was not found. - the slides


Presentation : 'How to promote SAP Communities and the SAP Mentors initiative locally' - onsite footage : SAP Community Marketing featuring Martin Gillet, recorded by Dennis Howlett (Shot on location, SAP Inside Track London, June 19th, 2010).




My Five Cents,


Looking forward to meeting you onsite !

Keep up the good work,
