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This blog follows on from the one I wrote at SAPPHIRE in May 2012 where SAP laid out their vision for the future, now 40 years old they had a guess at what it would be like in another 40 years.

This is a series of blogs that look at each of the 5 pillars that SAP want to dominate in (App, Database and Technology, Analytics, Mobility and Cloud).

This one focuses on what to do in the Analytics space.

So BO 4.0 is finally with us and able to talk to BW in a full fat way, so should you be evaluating how you could put this on top of a HANA powered BW ?

Or should you consider revolution and move your BI platform to native HANA. With SP4 of HANA it is possible to leverage the BW extractors and use SLT to have real-time information in HANA. With real-time perhaps you could revolutionise your reporting more overnight loads and out of data information.

Whichever way you go you should think about which tools are best to be used by which type of person in your organisation....the BEx one size fits all approach is gone.

Finally the cloud should not be ignored here either, perhaps you could skip all of the above and move to On Demand - I know organisations who are doing this.

Hopefully that has given you plenty to think about.

Other blogs in this series look at  Apps, Database and technology, Mobility and Cloud.