After completing Sybase SUP training last week, I realised there's a whole new world of acronyms and definitions out there...
Here's a reference guide which I'm sure this is going to grow over the coming weeks and months...I realise that not all of these are strictly SUP but they do relate to developing mobile apps via SUP in some way.
- APNS (Apple Push Notification Service): iOS offering enabling messages/notifications/updates to be pushed to iOS devices
- CDB (Cache Database): Data storage within the SUP system - data is stored with reference to MBOs
- CRUD (Create Update Delete): Refers to database operations a user may wish to perform
- DAD (Device Application Designer): SUP tool enabling the developer to create mobile applications (currently supports Windows Mobile and BlackBerry)
- DCN (Data Change Notification): Push updates to the CDB from the EIS (the alternative is scheduled - pull - updates)
- DOE (Data Orchestration Engine): SAP solution for data consolidation, realignment and staging for mobile technology
- EIS (Enterprise Information Server): The source system. In our world this is SAP but it could refer to any database or ERP system
- FFA (Field Force Automation): The use of technology to enable workers outside of the traditional office environment to send and access data in real-time
- iMO (iAnywhere Mobile Office): Sybase product enabling wireless email and business process mobilisation
- IIOP (Internet Inter Orb Protocol): Protocol for communication over the internet
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): Simple format for data exchange over the internet (used as an alternative to XML)
- LBO (Local Business Object): An MBO stored on a mobile device. Used for lightweight storage e.g. user details
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): Software protocol enabling anyone to locate resources in a network via the internet or intranet
- MBO (Mobile Business Object): An object in SUP relating to a real-world object e.g. purchase order. MBOs have attributes and operations (like a class) and data is stored in SUP with reference to these objects
- MBS (Message Based System): Data updates are sent from the CDB to the mobile device using message functionality e.g. when customer details change
- MDS (Mobile Device Service): BlackBerry solution for uploading, maintaining and managing applications on BlackBerry devices
- MDM (Mobile Device Management): Functionality that allows you to roll out, update and wipe applications and data from devices
- MEAP (Mobile Enterprise Application Platform): Middleware between the mobile device and SAP
- MLI (Multi-Level-Insert): Synchronisation of multiple MBOs in a single operation
- mMOM (mobile Message Oriented Middleware): Infrastructure to send and receive messages between systems, focused on mobile applications
- MMS (Mobile Middleware Services): Use of middleware to communicate between mobile devices and SAP
- RBS (Replication Based System): Data is replicated from the CDB to the mobile device on a scheduled or triggered basis
- SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol): Handles the issuing and revocation of digital certificates
- SIS (Server Initiated Synchronisation): Push synchronisation between the CDB and the mobile device
- SOA (Service Oriented Architecture): System architecture designed to package functionality as a suite of services that may be accessed by other systems
- SUP (Sybase Unwired Platform): Sybase's mobile enterprise architecture i.e. the middleware between the mobile device and SAP
- ULJ (UltraLiteJ): Java-based subset of UltraLite allowing data storage on BlackBerry phones