While exploring Enterprise Workspaces new version we have come across interesting component, People Explorer, which empowers Enterprise Workspaces and helps organizations creating their internal social cmmuincation hub across the business groups.
Some key features of People Explorer component:
Provisioing for data providers: Offline and online data providers
Defining entities: For different objects like Person, Workspace, Organization, Groups etc.
Entity relationships: With different nature like Symmetric, Assymetric etc
Defining Attributes: Describing entities like last name and first name of Person
As we explore more we will get back with more information, like which business scnearios can be configured using these concepts, How Enterprise workspaces can be empoered with etc, in coming days.
To start with People Explorer component can be enabled using following steps.
Assign the role " Social Content Administration"
Once you assign this role you can find Social Content Management tab under Content Adminstration role.
Prerequisite: Content Administration role should be assigned to the user
To navigate further in this role you have to activate people explorer component, otherwise system pops-up dialog box to enter UID/PWD/Tenant ID.
Pre requisite: You shoud have Workspaces System Adminstrator and System Administrator roles assigned.
Navigate to Tools area under workspaces administrator tab -> Configuration
Click on Go button in people explorer area (Scroll down to find this area in above screen), you will get following screen
Click on activate button. You will get pop-up with message to activate or not. Click on OK. It takes few minutes to activate the component
Once activated you will get below screen.
You can check the component from AJX framework page menu item Social Hub. If activated properly you can see People explorer link from Social hub dropdown
To configure the module and for further administration activities like defining Entities, Configuring attributes etc. navigate to Content Administration -> Social Content Management tab, now you will get the People Explorer administration screen.
Let us start exploring more "people" using People Explorer!