So another head filling day at SAP TechEd 09 in Pheonix.
The list of things I have learned today is shown below ļ
- It is possible in WebDynpro 7.2, to make it not look like WebDynpro – So we can have the best of a framework that is robust and have support for more standards and plugins – iFrame, Silverlight and Flash
- The nightmare of destinations breeding in CE goes away in CE 7.1.1 – Long live Service Groups
- Peanut butter bagels is a great way to wake up in the morning – best plan an extra long run at the weekend
- Composite Applications give great flexibility – but the downside is that if you don’t think about what you are doing that flexibility will let you develop a mess – hmmm how does SAP prevent lots of failed Composite Projects ? Specialist Partners ?
- Most people you meet don’t think that you can develop a composite application in a day – when you show them you can they get really excited.
- NetWeaver mobile 7.1 has loads of features to help you manage thousands of mobile device – it also runs on ABAP NetWeaver AS 7.1 so that is another flavour of AS to have in the stable
- Lots of people want to have one server at one version running everything (as they think it will be “simple”– people need to change the way they think now we have blades and clouds and stuff like that – which allow flexibility on deployment and management
- Using the CAF Services builder you can created hundreds of service end points really really quickly – the services are breeding like rabbits
So now off to Process Slam and Hacker head is starting to overflow.