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Dear all,

This document will gives you overview about master data (ex:Controls) change workflow in GRC Process Controls

Central controls are created for sub processes under Business Processes

Once controls are created, if you open

If change master data workflow activated, SAVE button will disabled and Request change button will appear

SPRO configuration:

First activate master data object for which you required workflow

SPRO>GRC>Shared master data settings>Activate Workflow for Master Data Changes

If we do changes in central controls then workflow will trigger for change approval and notification

Now maintain Custom Agent Determination Rules for entity: XCONTROL

SPRO>GRC>General Settings>Workflow> maintain Custom Agent Determination Rules

NOTE: Correct role selection is very important for business event and map with correct entity id, select notification business event if notification required.

Now go and change for control in NWBC, once you click on Request Change button, you get error

Reason: Not maintained user in fallback receiver

SPRO>GRC>General Settings>Workflow> Maintain Fallback Receiver

Now try the same from NWBC

  Once you click on Request Change for control, it will ask for change request

Provide details and click OK, will get the below message.

Reference:Master Data Change Request Workflow - Governance, Risk and Compliance - SCN Wiki

pc:No Approver Found. Request Change is not possible.

Hope it helps for others.

