Over the years, working with clients and startups as an SEO and digital marketer, I've learned a lot about metrics and quantifying data into all manner of different scales and patterns. More importantly, I've also learned that two of the most important metrics you should monitor are not SEO metrics at all. Those two metrics are your conversion rate and the return-on-investment.
Today I want to talk about conversion rate optimization. The conversion rate is surely one of the most important factors to consider if you’re running an online business. It tells you exactly how many visitors completed your on-site goal, whether it's a completed purchase, opt-in to your email list or an ebook download.
It’s a strong indicator of doing a good (or bad) job with your site content and it tells you whether your customers are willing to spend money on what you are offering. With a low conversion rate, you might be spending a lot of time and money without getting a return on investment. The good news is that there are lots of small fixes and tweaks you can experiment with to significantly improve your conversions.
Interesting Titles
Research has shown that out of all the people who read the headline on a web page, only 20 percent actually click on it. The remaining 80% move on until they notice a title that captures their attention better, so it’s very important to have
your headline be the one that catches their eye.
Think of the front page of a newspaper, and the kind of titles they use to get people to want to read what’s inside – that is what you should aim for if you want people to
actually click on the title and land on your page.
Keep it Simple
According to a recent statistic, 69 percent of online shopping carts are
abandoned mid-checkout. This is mostly due to extra costs and purchase process being too complex and taking far too much time for the consumer.
By keeping the checkout as simple as possible you’ll be able to get a lot more customers, and hopefully, get many of them to return for additional purchases in the future. Make sure to ask only for essential information and you’ll quickly notice that more people are actually completing their checkouts.
Drop the Navigation
Even though it’s good practice to have a navigation section on most of your web pages so users can easily find their way around your website, your landing page is an exception to this rule. When a potential customer visits your page, their full attention should be focused on what the page has to say, without
any distractions to lead them away from it.
The only things they should be able to see is the page text itself, and a section for filling in their contact information so they can place an order or sign up for your mailing list.
Be Mobile Friendly
The ongoing switch to mobile has been a major talking point for the last several years. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, that means that more than half of your leads won’t be able to use your website properly – and if they can’t use your website, they can’t sign up for your content or conduct a purchase.
If your website is WordPress-based, chances are that it is already mobile friendly. If not, you might want to hire a web developer to optimize it, so you can get the most out of your total traffic and not limit yourself to desktop visitors only.
More Product Videos
Having a
good presentational video is a great way to capture the attention of a potential customer on your website. It’s much simpler for people to simply play a video and listen to you present your content, instead of having to read through a page. Businesses that do this regularly experience 80 percent more conversions than those who do not. Product videos also result in a higher average order value, ultimately generating more customers overall.
The point of this post is to get you thinking more in the direction of optimizing your website for the end-goal and taking concrete action to achieve that, instead of getting lost in analyzing too many details. With all the tools and data available today, it's very easy to get overwhelmed and stuck. Taking action is key to learning and moving forward with your business.
Most of the tweaks on this list directly relate to how you present your product or service to your visitors. They are relatively easy to implement and should serve as a starting ground for further learning.
Just remember, the most important thing is to provide a good user experience and make it as simple as possible for the visitor to sign up for your content or place an order from your website. This means clean landing pages free of distractions and concise forms, simple and easy to fill out. Top that with an attractive product video, and it won’t be long before you notice a significant improvement in your conversion rate.
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