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This document is a consolidated collection of common issues and related solutions while configuring HR Triggers.

I hope this will be helpful for users configuring HR triggers and any related issue occurs.

For understanding the changes done to HR triggers functionality in GRC 10 refer the below NOTE

1602301 - Changes to HR trigger functionality in 10.0

For HR Triggers configuration refer the below NOTE

1591291 - GRC 10.0 - HR Trigger configuration

Please find below some of the common issues faced during HR Triggers configuration along with the solutions.

1. HR triggers request are not generated in GRC Box


     Refer the below KBA

      1641138 - GRC 10.0 - HR Triggers not being processed

2. SMQ1 queue is empty in the HR system


     Refer the below KBA

      2298034 - HR trigger not working: SMQ1 queue is empty, no logs in SLG1, requests not created.

3. Error Message Roles not present in request. No request can be created is found in SLG1 logs for HR Triggers

     Refer the below KBA

     2122132 - HR Trigger error "Roles not present in request. No request can be created."

4. Error Message You must add roles before you can create a request in SLG1 logs for HR Triggers

     Solution: Maintain the HR connector entry for each of the HR Action IDs in path SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Governance,      Risk and Compliance -> Access Control -> User Provisioning -> Maintain Settings for HR Triggers


5. While creating an Access request from the HR system via the HR Triggers process, request does not get created and an error No user assigned to employee ID is shown in the SLG1 logs.

     Refer the below KBA

     2101648 - HR Trigger: No user assigned to employee ID

6. After performing the desired actions in PA40 or PA30, HR Triggers BRF+ rule is still returning one of the following errors.  All the configuration has been done and re-checked, BRF+ Rule logic is working in Simulation mode, however the below errors are still shown

Rules are not satisfied for Employee ID.

No match found for the given context (DECISION_TABLE)

     Refer the below KBA

    2182535 - HR Trigger BRF+ Rule is getting too complex?

7. HR Triggers ending with dump for the custom info types.

     Implement the below Note

     2260588 - HR Triggers dumping for the custom infotypes in GRC AC 10.0 and 10.1

8. Having difficulties passing the Valid-To date to the GRC Access Request Form for User Termination in HR Triggers

     Refer the below KBA

    2224539 - HR Trigger - Difficulties Passing the Effective Date for User termination in AC 10

9. SLG1 shows extra logs for HR Trigger Application

      Solution: Set the Change Log Level for Parameter 5001 to Medium

10. Upon creating an HR Trigger event from SAP HR system to SAP GRC Access Control system, the workflow is not being created.

Transaction SMQ1 in the SAP HR system shows that the qRFC queue has an entry with status:

An exception occurred that was not caught.

     Refer the below KBA

    1874439 - An exception occurred that was not caught.

11. Receiving dump Function module "GRAC_HR_TRIGGER_EVENT_RECIEVER" not found when attempting to change info types in PA30

     Refer the below KBA

     1706100 - Cannot maintain or modify infotypes in PA30 after configuring HR Triggers or changes to   ...

12. Request Description not getting updated for HR Trigger requests

     Refer the below KBA

     1665583 - Applicability of EUP configurations on HR trigger requests

13. When a New Hire request is triggered in the HR system that contains a phone number, sometimes the phone number is getting created as the user ID.

     Implement the below Note

      2255149 - UAM: New hire HR trigger request is created with phone number as User ID

That’s it...Finally my first document lands on the GRC space

Thanks all for taking your time to look at this.

Kindly feel free to add any new issues encountered while working with HR Triggers in this page.

