Applies to:
This document applies to SAP HANA Live Rapid-deployment Solution for Material Management Module.
In this document I am planning to explain the relationship between SAP's delivered Reports/Story Boards, the VDMs and the corresponding tables of Purchase Order Value Report of MM Module.
As we all know SAP HANA Live is the solution for real-time reporting & it is a separate package that comes with predefined SAP HANA content across the SAP Business Suite.
HANA Live provides SAP-delivered content (similar in concept like SAP BW content), in form of SAP HANA calculation views for real-time operational reporting, It is represented as a VDM - virtual data model, which is based on the transactional and master data tables of the SAP Business Suite. Currently we have more than 2000 views, which are delivered in HANA Live Package.
SAP has provided HANA Live Contents for all the modules like FI, SD, MM, PP, CO etc. However there is no document which explains the standard VDMs and how they are connected with standard tables. I thought to take a chance to explain it here module by module.
HANA Live RDS - MM Module - Purchase Order Value Report:
For MM Module, SAP has provided below Lumira(.lums) files as part of HANA Live RDS
- Purchase Order Value
- Vendor Comparison via Purchase Value
- Stock Overview for Special Stock with Valuated Materials
- Stock Overview for Valuated Materials without Special Stock
- Non Special Warehouse Stock Quantities
These .lums files have Virtual Data Models (VDMs) in HANA Live RDS. Those VDMs are made up of Private Views, Reuse Views and Query Views. I will display how these Models are connected and what are the tables involved in structuring these above listed reports.
In this document, I will explain Purchase Order Value Lums File.
What is Purchase Order Value:
- Purchase Order Value is a Lumira report/file delivered as part of HANA Live RDS
- It is based on the Query View "PurchaseOrderValueQuery"
- This query view answers the Business Question of 'What is the value of a specific purchase order(PO) over time?'
Tables Involved:
Below are the main tables involved in Query View “PurchaseOrderValueQuery”
- EKKO- Purchasing Document Header
- EKPO- Purchasing Document Item
- EKBZ- History Per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
- EKBE- History Per Purchasing Document
- T001- Company Code
- TCURC- Currency Codes
- TCURX- Decimal Places for Currency Keys
- TCURT- Currency Code Names
- TCURF- Conversion Factors
Filters Applied:
Below are the filters applied in this Query view “PurchaseOrderValueQuery”
- Order Category = 'F' PurchaseOrderItem from PurchasingDocumentItem
- Order Category = 'F' PurchaseOrderHeader from PurchasingDocumentHeader
Flow Design of Query View “PurchaseOrderValueQuery”:
The main Model PurchaseOrderValue is made up of Reuse Views and tables.
The Structure of this model is listed below, whichgives an idea of the tables and views involved.
I hope this helps to understand the HANA Live RDS- VDMs in a better way.