The blog you’re about to enjoy is actually almost one year old. I wrote most of it after the trip to the Mastering SAP Technologies 2014 conference in Australia where I had privilege to be a speaker. There have been different opinions on what a decent ‘event blog’ should look like and it seemed not everyone enjoyed fashion analysis of the attendee wardrobes or the conference food reviews. Fair enough. But the fact that for me the memories from that event are just as vivid today as they were last year speaks for itself. So after a quick sprucing up I present to you a totally unapologetic account of my experience as well as some tips for this year's attendees and speakers.
For the easy consumption I’ve broken the blog into sections and oh, if you’re wondering what’s the deal with the title then just scroll to the very bottom.
On Sunday afternoon there was a quick orientation for the speakers. As an “ice breaking”, “team building”, etc. effort everyone was asked to answer few questions about themselves. One of the questions was ‘Your favorite song?’ (or rather 'favoUrite'). This is where most people suddenly start to feel the pressure to show encyclopedic knowledge of the music industry. No one ever confesses they rock out to Britney Spears. No siree. Instead pretty much everyone gets up with a serious face, clears throat and says something epic like “my favorite song of all times is ‘Broken Light Bulb’ by The Neon Hot Pants”, then triumphantly glances over the room to gauge the effect. And everyone just nods, like yeah, totally dig that too. Well, my favorite song actually is Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” and if we learned anything from her it is to be proud of our choices no matter what everyone else thinks.
But wait, the story doesn’t end here. Next day when I’m getting ready for my presentation guess what song starts to play? Ding-ding-ding – “Poker Face”! Not sure if it was just a coincidence or a nice surprise planned by the organizers (in which case – thank you!), but the lesson is – you have a better chance hearing your actual favorite song when you are not pretending.
Since this is an SAP-themed gathering one might feel a natural urge to compare it to the other SAP events, such as user group meetings, TechEd, SAPPHIRE, etc. But in reality this would be like comparing TechEd to a holiday dinner at your aunt’s house. It would be gross misrepresentation to think of Mastering SAP Technologies as some kind of “mini-TechEd for our little Australian friends out in the boonies”. Yes, there are sessions where people talk about SAP and there are vendors and food, but that’s where the similarities pretty much end.
The important thing to note is since the event is not organized by SAP AG it is definitely not a “sales” event. Yes, there is “Ed” in TechEd but let’s face it – the education SAP is really-really interested in is the one that can help them to sell you more stuff. And there is nothing wrong with that per se – business is business.
But in the case of Mastering SAP Technologies the organizers are not trying to sell you anything other than a ticket to the event. It’s in their interests to have satisfied attendees, so that you’d come again to visit next year. And last year the organizers went out of their way to make all the participants happy, welcome and part of the experience. Even the SAP executives delivering well-rehearsed official presentations somehow seemed more laid back in Melbourne.
Here are some specific items the organizers got right and I hope will continue at this year’s event:
Bottom line is at Mastering SAP Technologies you are the essential part of the event. Whether you go there to network, to share your experience and pain, to learn from experts and colleagues, you won’t be disappointed. This is the true community gathering, long corporatey key notes just don’t belong here.
Back home I’m greeted enthusiastically by my 5 year old son Alex who is excited to see the new toys. Much to my surprise, he immediately pushes aside the cute-as-a-button stuffed koala and instead reaches for rather unremarkable looking wombat toy. “Hamster!!!”, - shouts the kid. We correct him that it’s a wombat but this information leaves him completely unphased. “His name is Hamster!” - declares Alex and runs to introduce Hamster to other toys. At the end the oh-so-commercial koala went to live at our friends’ house, but Hamster The Wombat became the beloved companion.
Come to think of it, in a similar way Mastering SAP Technologies might lack the brand recognition of the koalas, err… TechEds and SAPPHIREs, but it’s homey, cute in its own way and, ultimately, the one that stays with you for a long time.
So – is there a wombat in your future? :wink:
P.S. Other blogs about the past Mastering SAP Technologies events on SCN:
Mastering SAP Technologies 2012 - field report
A Taste of Mastering SAP Technologies Sydney 2012
Trip to Mastering SAP Technologies - First Leg(s)
Reflections on an SAP Event in the Land Up Over
The Evolution of a Community: 10 Years of SAP Tech Research Down Under
Disclosure: my trip and attendance to Mastering SAP Technologies were paid for by the organizers.