What is influence? Do I have influence? How can one customer make a difference? Is SAP really listening to my requirements?
These are all questions that you may have. Speaking from experience, you do have influence. You could be the one person needed to take an idea from an enhancement request to a functional requirement. SAP does listen. But to ensure that accepted functional requirements are a collaborative solution, SAP looks for ideas that are supported by a minimum of five installed customers. And we need your ideas and support – now.
Currently GRC Access Control 10.1 is in ramp up for several SAP customers. In this period between ramp up and general availability, SAP is requesting feedback on the latest functionality, and has engaged with us to do so. Although SAP has great ideas, there are always usability improvements that increase the acceptance of an applications design.
If you currently have GRC Access Control 10 installed or you are part of the GRC Access Control 10.1 ramp up process, now is the time for you to provide your ideas to SAP. If you would like to participate you until have until September 20, 2013 to submit your ideas. The longer you wait, the less likely you will have four other customers to review and support your enhancement request.
Why does my voice matter?
It’s worth getting your feedback in and your voice heard. I have found that SAP is moving past just getting the application to work without defects, and instead, is now working on improving its usability. And now that GRC AC 10 has been in productive use for a couple of years, customers have great ideas for improving the usability of the application.
When I think of usability I pretend to be the user and validate that the application is intuitive. Can an untrained user launch an application without any training or knowledge transfer? Is a user required to enter the same data in more than one field? If one application has performed an update such as deleting a user’s access, are other related master data elements deleted or made inactive? Does the application have the proper security or change management controls available? If two different users test an application, are they both happy with the functionality?
One huge way a customer can influence the usability of the application is to participate in user group influence opportunites and customer connection programs. As my company participated in the GRC 10 ramp up process, I used the influence options to increase usability, reduce complexity, and add missing functionality.
How do I get involved?
Access to the GRC Access Control 2013 Customer Connection process is restricted. If you would like to participate, send an e-mail to katrin.pietsch@sap.com requesting to participate in the GRC Customer Connection for 2013. Once you have access to the site you can use this link to go directly to the site: https://cw.sdn.sap.com/cw/community/influence/. Then you will scroll down and select the “GRC Access Control 2013” link.
I hope to see you there soon as we can influence change with your help.