I was exploring on webservices concepts and started thinking on creating some simple services which will be useful in any company. Consider the following actors and usecases. In this way one can think of lot of usecases for ITS, HR, Finance etc .But if you see the components required to the achieve above are the following 1. Access to the list of employees
2. Gateway for sending Information (Ex :SMS Gateway)
If you can expose the above functionalities as WebServices then using Web Dynpro you can create usefull applications for any company. In my organization we can access basic employee information like fname,lastname,mobile number,Team etc.
Finally the application is looks like this.We have two services , one for accessing the master employee information from one internal system and other service is for sending the SMS .
We can think of configuring some pre-defined search . For example, ITS wants to send information to all the employees. In that case they do want to search everytime.
Creating Widgets also a good idea !! I will publish the URL to this application in Web Dynpro internal Forums ( can be accessed by SAP Employees).