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The Joint Commission HR Standards Compliance

Ease the burden for Joint Commission Compliance. Job Descriptions, Competency and Skill Assessments, Licensure and Certification, Education and Training, Performance Reviews, Orientations, Background Checks, Staffing Levels, the list goes on. Maintaining this critical information, preparing documentation for surveys and creating reports for compliance is a huge burden for any hospital.

The Joint Commission HR Standards deal with the qualifications, orientation, training, education, competence and performance evaluation of the hospital staff (including contracted employees) who provide care, treatment and other patient services. For the medical equipment management program, these standards apply to both clinical users of medical equipment and the biomedical/clinical engineering staff.

Hospitals must be completely familiar with the current Joint Commission HR standards, must be able to examine current processes, policies and procedures relative to the HR standards and be prepared to improve any areas that are not currently in compliance. To obtain and maintain accreditation, healthcare organization staff members need be able to demonstrate proficiency across specific job competencies and receive performance evaluations based on specific job descriptions.

Bottom line improvements with comprehensive Talent Management Solutions.

In 1993, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, the percent that administrative costs made up of total hospital spending was 24.8%, today that cost is as much as 30% or more; and in part can be attributed to compliance requirements for areas such as accreditation and staff oversight. Inadequate systems, lack of integrated talent management systems and no comprehensive talent strategy contributes to making this even more burdensome. To compound this problem, the lack of a talent management strategy and integrated talent systems means that staff turnover is higher, costs for talent recruitment is higher, impacts to patient satisfaction are greater, and patient outcomes are not as favorable. Finally, these problems also put Joint Commission accreditation at risk.

Integrated solutions are available and widely assessable to healthcare organizations of all sizes and can be implemented for modest costs. Healthcare providers who have begun to implement these systems and develop comprehensive talent management strategies are seeing improvements in all of the areas noted here and are realizing benefits to their bottom line.