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This blog describes how to download a Word Document to Presentation server using OLE method.

Data available in the form of Variables/Structures/Internal tables can be exported to MS Word using OLE. This blog also covers the basic formatting options involved in MS Word.

Functionalities covered in this blog include:

1) Inserting image from Presentation server

2) Setting Paragraph formats and Character formats

3) Display table with contents from Internal table

The Code snippet which is self-explainable is given below:

REPORT  zdemo_ole_word.

*--Include for OLE-enabling definitions
INCLUDE ole2incl .
*--Global variables
*--Variables to hold OLE object and entity handles
DATA gs_word            TYPE ole2_object . "OLE object handle
DATA gs_documents       TYPE ole2_object . "Documents
DATA gs_actdoc          TYPE ole2_object . "Active document
DATA gs_application     TYPE ole2_object . "Application
DATA gs_options         TYPE ole2_object . "Application options
DATA gs_selection       TYPE ole2_object . "Selection
DATA gs_font            TYPE ole2_object . "Font
DATA gs_parformat       TYPE ole2_object . "Paragraph format
DATA gs_tables          TYPE ole2_object . "Tables
DATA gs_range           TYPE ole2_object . "Range handle for various ranges
DATA gs_table           TYPE ole2_object . "One table
DATA gs_table_border    TYPE ole2_object . "Table border
DATA gs_cell            TYPE ole2_object . "One cell of a table
DATA gv_pos(5)          TYPE n . "Position information for table
DATA gs_inlineshapes    TYPE ole2_object.
DATA gs_ins_logo        TYPE ole2_object.
DATA gt_sflight         TYPE TABLE OF sflight.


  PERFORM f_get_data.
  PERFORM f_create_doc.
  PERFORM f_attach_image.
  PERFORM f_display_header.
  PERFORM f_display_text.
  PERFORM f_skip_lines.
  PERFORM f_display_table.
  PERFORM f_skip_lines.
  PERFORM f_free_object.
  PERFORM f_save_object.
  PERFORM f_close_object.

*&      Form  F_GET_DATA
*  Get Data for displaying in Word
FORM f_get_data .

    FROM sflight
    INTO TABLE gt_sflight
    UP TO 10 ROWS.

ENDFORM.                    " F_GET_DATA
*&      Form  F_CREATE_DOC
*  Create Word Document and Set its properties
FORM f_create_doc .

*--Creating OLE object handle variable
  IF sy-subrc NE 0 .
    MESSAGE 'Error while creating OLE object!' TYPE 'E'.

*--Setting object's visibility property
*-- MS Word runs in the Background
*-- To see MS word in the Foreground, Set as '1'
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_word 'Visible' = '1' .

*--Opening a new document
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_word 'Documents' = gs_documents .
  CALL METHOD OF gs_documents 'Add' .

*--Getting active document handle
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_word 'ActiveDocument' = gs_actdoc .

*--Getting applications handle
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_actdoc 'Application' = gs_application .

*--Setting the measurement unit
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_application 'Options' = gs_options .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_options 'MeasurementUnit' = '1' . "CM

ENDFORM.                    " F_CREATE_DOC
*&      Form  F_ATTACH_IMAGE
*  Attach an Image from Presentation server
FORM f_attach_image .

*--Setting header content
*--Getting handle for the selection which is here the character at the
*--cursor position
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_application 'Selection' = gs_selection .
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_selection 'Font' = gs_font .
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_selection 'ParagraphFormat' = gs_parformat .

*--Setting paragraph format attribute
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_parformat 'Alignment' = '0' . "Left-justified

*--Insert Image from Presentation server
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_selection 'InlineShapes' = gs_inlineshapes.

  CALL METHOD OF gs_inlineshapes 'AddPicture' = gs_ins_logo
    #1 = 'C:\xxx\xxxxxx.jpg'.

ENDFORM.                    " F_ATTACH_IMAGE
*&      Form  F_DISPLAY_HEADER
* Display Header text
FORM f_display_header .

* Alignment:
* '0' - Left Alignment
* '1' - Centered
* '2' - Right Alignment
* '3' - Justified

*--Advancing cursor to the new line
  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeParagraph' .
*--Setting font attributes
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Name' = 'Arial' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Size' = '16' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Bold' = '1' . "Bold
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Italic' = '0' . "Not Italic
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Underline' = '1' . "Underlined
*--Setting paragraph format attribute
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_parformat 'Alignment' = '1' . "Centered

  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeText'
    #1 = 'Download Word using OLE!'.

*--Advancing cursor to the new line
  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeParagraph' .

ENDFORM.                    " F_DISPLAY_HEADER
*&      Form  F_DISPLAY_TEXT
*  Display text and Set the font properties
FORM f_display_text .

*--Reseting font attributes for Text
*--Getting handle for the selection which is here the character at the
*--cursor position
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Name' = 'Times New Roman' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Size' = '10' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Bold' = '0' . "Not bold
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Italic' = '1' . "Italic
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Underline' = '0' . "Not underlined
*--Setting paragraph format attribute
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_parformat 'Alignment' = '1' . "Centered
  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeText'
    #1 = 'Text 1'.
*--Advancing cursor to the new line
  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeParagraph' .

*--Reseting font attributes for another Text
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Name' = 'Times New Roman' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Size' = '12' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Bold' = '0' . "Not bold
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Italic' = '0' . "Not Italic
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Underline' = '0' . "Not underlined
*--Setting paragraph format attribute
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_parformat 'Alignment' = '2' . "Right Aligned
  CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeText'
    #1 = 'Text 2'.

ENDFORM.                    " F_DISPLAY_TEXT
*&      Form  F_SKIP_LINES
*  Skip some lines
FORM f_skip_lines .

*--Skip some lines
  DO 4 TIMES .
    CALL METHOD OF gs_selection 'TypeParagraph' .

ENDFORM.                    " F_SKIP_LINES
*&      Form  F_DISPLAY_TABLE
*  Display Table using Internal table contents
FORM f_display_table .

  DATA: ls_sflight TYPE sflight,
        lv_tabix   TYPE sy-tabix,
        lv_lines   TYPE i.

  DESCRIBE TABLE gt_sflight LINES lv_lines.

*--Inserting a table and filling some of its cells.
*--Getting entity handles for the entities on the way
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_actdoc 'Tables' = gs_tables .
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_selection 'Range' = gs_range .
*--Adding a table with required columns and rows
  CALL METHOD OF gs_tables 'Add' = gs_table
  #1 = gs_range " Handle for range entity
  #2 = lv_lines "Number of rows
  #3 = '2'. "Number of columns
*--Setting border attribute for the table
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_table 'Borders' = gs_table_border .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_table_border 'Enable' = '1' . "With border

*--Reseting font attributes for table content
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Name' = 'Garamond' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Size' = '11' .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Bold' = '0' . "Not bold
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Italic' = '0' . "Not Italic
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Underline' = '0' . "Not underlined
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_font 'Color' = 'wdColorRed' . "Red

*--Filling the table with Internal Table data
  LOOP AT gt_sflight INTO ls_sflight.

    CLEAR lv_tabix.
    lv_tabix = sy-tabix.
*--Getting cell coordinates
    CALL METHOD OF gs_table 'Cell' = gs_cell
    #1 = lv_tabix "Row number
    #2 = '1'. "first column

*--Getting the range handle to write the text
    GET PROPERTY OF gs_cell 'Range' = gs_range .
*--Filling the cell
    SET PROPERTY OF gs_range 'Text' = ls_sflight-carrid .

*--Getting cell coordinates
    CALL METHOD OF gs_table 'Cell' = gs_cell
    #1 = lv_tabix "Row number
    #2 = '2'. "Second column

*--Getting the range handle to write the text
    GET PROPERTY OF gs_cell 'Range' = gs_range .
*--Filling the cell
    SET PROPERTY OF gs_range 'Text' = ls_sflight-connid .


*--Advancing the cursor to the end of the table
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_table 'Range' = gs_range .
  GET PROPERTY OF gs_range 'End' = gv_pos .
  SET PROPERTY OF gs_range 'Start' = gv_pos .
  CALL METHOD OF gs_range 'Select' .

ENDFORM.                    " F_DISPLAY_TABLE
*&      Form  F_FREE_OBJECT
*  Free Object
FORM f_free_object .

*--Freeing object handle variable
  FREE OBJECT gs_word.

ENDFORM.                    " F_FREE_OBJECT
*&      Form  F_SAVE_OBJECT
*  Save Object in Presentation server
FORM f_save_object .

*--Save the Word Doc in Presentation Server
  CALL METHOD OF gs_actdoc 'SaveAs2'
    EXPORTING #1 = 'C:\xxxxx\xxxxxx.docx'.

ENDFORM.                    " F_SAVE_OBJECT
*&      Form  F_CLOSE_OBJECT
*  Close Object
FORM f_close_object .

*--Close the Document
  CALL METHOD OF gs_actdoc 'Close'.

ENDFORM.                    " F_CLOSE_OBJECT