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Updated March 12th, 2020: Because of the current coronavirus situation, we've decided to postpone the Copenhagen SAP Inside Track to later this year. Thank you for your session proposals! We'll get in touch with each one of you.

How time flies! I blinked and all of a sudden a year has passed and the next SAP Inside Track Copenhagen event is just around the corner. This year’s family reunion of the Danish SAP community takes place on Saturday, May 2nd. Here’s a recap of last year’s event.

And as always, we’d like to invite you to speak. And by you, I mean all of you. We want to hear your proposal, whether you are a first-time speaker or a seasoned pro. And if you are indeed a first-time speaker, don’t worry; SAP Inside Track Copenhagen is all about the Danish “hygge”, so you’ll be among friends in a super casual and laid-back atmosphere.

There is no fixed topic for the event, so feel free to suggest whatever you would like to share with the rest of us. We strive for a balanced mix of technical and non-technical talks, so anything goes, really. And if presenting slides is not for you, you are very welcome to use the whiteboard, run a live demo or do something else entirely.

Talks at SAP Inside Track Copenhagen are usually 30 minutes long and given in English. Remote talks are not an option, I’m afraid. To submit your proposal, please fill out this form, which will remain open until late March

The fine print: SAP Inside Track Copenhagen is a not-for-profit community event, and attending is free. Sadly, we cannot offer to cover speakers’ travel expenses, nor is there a fee for speaking at the event.

If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to comment below this post. Alternatively, ask us on Twitter using hashtag #sitCPH.

See you in May!