Introduction: The standard MSMP doesn’t support to have multiple Process IDs/paths based on the request types. This might be a requirement for those who use Access Request Management.
Access Request Management (ARM) by default uses the standard MSMP Process ID - SAP_GRAC_ACCESS_REQUEST for all types of requests.

Hence, we can only use a single Initiator rule and a single path.
However, it is possible to use multiple paths by creating a new Initiator using BRF+ Initiator Rule. Below steps will guide to create a new BRF Initiator Rule (Flat Rule) and use it in MSMP.
Navigate to SPRO, IMG, GRC, Access Controls, Workflow for Access Control and execute the “Define Workflow-Related MSMP Rules”

Enter MSMP Process ID (SAP_GRAC_ACCESS_REQUEST) and select BRFplus Flat Rule (LineItem by LineItem) in Rule Type, Initiator Rule in Rule Kind.
Enter Rule ID and Application/Func Group Name (These can be the same) as shown in the below image, and click Execute:

Once the MSMP Rule is generated, you can see the below logs. Ensure that all the log entries are green in color. Incase if there are a few in Yellow and/or Red, you must start with the activity again:

Now, execute the transaction code BRF+
Identify the Application created in the left hand pane
Right-click the Application, Click Create, Expression, Decision table.
Give a name and Navigate to the Object
Click “Insert Column” and select attribute for Condition Column as “REQTYPE”
Select LINE ITEM KEY and RULE RESULT in the Result Columns as in the above screen shot.
Enter the decision table entries as below

Make sure the Top expression is selected in the Function. Click on Function in the left hand pane and go into Edit mode to assign the Top expression.

1.Top Expression value should be the "Decision Table" that was created.
2. Make a note of the ID from the general tab. This is required to create the new Initiator Rule in the MSMP workflow.
Now Launch MSMP
Select the Process ID and go to Maintain Rules and add the newly created BRF+

Create Rule Results as shown below:

Create all the required paths with the respective stages for each path.
Assign the Rule result value to the custom paths and shown below:
Save & Generate the new version.