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Having spent the last few years trying to understand how structured BPM (Business Process Management) can help to achieve "what you see is what you get" for structured processes I can see how powerful such tools can be on finally getting agreement about how a process will actually run within a business.

However what happens to the processes where either people can't agree on the process, the process is inherently unstructured or the process is immature with some knowns and some unknowns.

It is for these reasons that I have embarked on another BPX Community Project to explore the following use-cases :-

  1. How can you include social media into structured BPM processes to inform decision making or even make it ?
  2. How can you use social media techniques to design processes in the first place ?
  3. How can you use social media techniques to evolve and dynamically improve processes ?
  4. How can you use social media to help learn from existing processes and recommend improvements ?

Currently we are in the early planning stages for the project and we would welcome input and other ideas, please add them to the BPX Wiki Page.

The goal of the project is to see if Social Media and BPM can do something neither can do on its own – namely model the way we really solve problems.