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ASUG Chapter Meeting - Chicago welcomes you!

The Spring 2011 meeting of the ASUG Illinois Chicago Chapter will be held on April 7 at Harper College. This is one of our favorite locations for holding the meeting (unless we have a customer site hosting us): Great AV setup and assistance, big enough to hold our group and parallel sessions, and yummy cookies for afternoon break!

We started planning for this meeting early this year and knocked upon people who have presented at ASUG/SAPPHIRE and TechEd last year to see if they would be willing to bring in their session and experience to our local audience. This strategy has paid off because it brought in some great content from the national conferences to our hometown…no one wants to come to a ‘vendor fair’ even if the lunch is free 🙂

We are excited to have participation from Alberto Culver Company, University of Wisconsin, Harley Davidson, Dow Corning, PepsiCo, Hospira, GERS, Tellabs, Sauer Danfoss, Firestone, Vera Bradley, Kraft, John Deere, Purdue University, Rockwell, Eby-Brown, ACE hardware and several other companies. Hopefully we have something for everyone.

Here is a summary of the sessions planned for this meeting with the Business Objects sessions highlighted:


If you want to connect with the SAP users from other companies in the area, turn their experience into tips and tricks, and get updated with the latest in SAP technology news – don’t miss this meeting. You can find more details on the event page.

We have 175 registered so far, why don’t you also join us for a day of exceptional learning and networking!

Here is the link for members of ASUG to register for this meeting. If your company is a member you are a member:

We have also made special arrangements for Non-ASUG members to register for the meeting. Here is the link for Non-ASUG members to register for the Thursday, April 7 ASUG meeting:

1 Comment
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Hopefully many will take advantage and attend.
