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I’m thrilled to announce that ASUG and DSAG (the German-speaking SAP User Group) have released “Digital Transformation: The SAP User Community Perspective,” a co-authored position paper on a topic that’s on the minds of so many businesses today.

The document represents the collective thinking of ASUG and DSAG and a realistic assessment of both the tremendous opportunities that are enticing companies as well as the sizeable challenges that any type of transformation this crucial poses. (We welcome anyone to download the pdf via ASUG’s website—no registration or membership required to do so.)

DSAG Board Member Otto Schell and myself, along with members of our teams and input from key players in the greater community, worked on this publication. Otto and I are very proud of the end result. This paper is all about ASUG and DSAG putting our thoughts and ideas down on paper.

Our hope is that the insight and advice you find in the report will stimulate new thinking and discussion inside your companies about the future of business and technology. The fact that both of our names and logos are on the document should be a strong indicator to the entire SAP ecosystem that historic change is already upon us.

I’ve said it before: There is a new reality facing companies. And it’s incumbent on every member of DSAG and ASUG (and all SAP customers, for that matter) to be formulating a plan on how to reinvent, reimagine and build a modern digital enterprise.

With our position paper, we set out to cut through the hype and deliver a practical definition of digital transformation, to lay out the case for creating brand-new business models, give our members some sensible next steps, and then offer helpful resources for any SAP customer.

The report is available for immediate download. ASUG members and non-members can check out ASUG’s digital transformation community and listen to a related webcast.

And don’t forget to share your opinion by participating in ASUG’s Digital Transformation survey. We’re eager to hear your voice. We promise you the survey is quick, relevant and digitally painless.

Wherever you are on your digital transformation journey, your user groups are here to support you every step of the way!