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Another SAP BusinessObjects User Conference is in the books and the community is gearing up towards the next big conference: SAP TechEd.  Maybe you couldn't make SBOUC due to commitments or maybe you decided that you wanted to check out what the buzz is all about in Las Vegas.  Or maybe you're lucky enough and you're going to attend TechEd after hitting the books in Anaheim.  (Lucky!)

Either way, if you're a 'platform agnostic' SAP BusinessObjects user: I invite you to come mingle and debrief at SAP TechED!  Join me and others at an Expert Networking Lounge session on Thursday, October 24th at 4:30pm.  EXP9900 "SAP BusinessObjects 'Platform Agnostic' TechEd Debrief and Networking" is a first time event.  I'd like to try and take the opportunity to bring together BOBJ users to network and debrief about the conference.

PS- In case you missed it, here's a list of the BI sessions tailored for Platform Agnostic customers being offered at SAP TechEd Las Vegas 2013: Stay Ahead: Attend TechEd for these SAP BI BusinessObjects Roadmaps, Lectures & Hands-on (Platform A...

Check this session list out and attend!  Then plan come to the Debrief on Thursday afternoon and chat about how they were!  And who knows, I may have stickers or some other kind of giveaways!!