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| Sun  | Mon  | jim.spath/blog/2007/10/03/a-week-of-teched-networking-influencing-educating-part-2  | Wed  | Thu| Fri  |


AS SEEN ON SAP TV! [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]  gave me a tip on finding unused code in SAP but I can't find it on our systems :-(.  I thought it was transaction SCOB. [Update: it is SCOV]


  My early morning Unicode presentation went well; time allotted was too short but I left time for questions and got applause, which is the best ego trip.  My major takeaway from that session was the extremely low percentage of the audience who were familiar with SAP's Data Management Guide.  To find it, go to


Then after email synch and remote office work, I got quality face time with  matt.kangas/blog (I'm sitting in his LCM228presentation onSAP NetWeaver System Landscapesfor a few minutes).  We talked about him presenting on his work with Black & Decker on Business Warehouse load balancing for the Spring ASUG Annual Conference. 


  At lunch, I had a quick checkpoint with my colleague Manju Venkataseshan where we chatted about his succesful presentation on the SAP Memory Inspector. 

 I then headed to a tardy arrival at a 2 hour session with SAP product definition specialists where we brainstormed / blue skied ideas on software improvements in the areas of system landscape simplification (please, please, please!), and business system availability.   Key phrases:


  • Implementation / Operations / Development / Optimization
  • My favorite: "Innovation & Stability"

Thanks, Susan and Denim for talking me into that one!

  At 2:45, I ran my second presentation on our Unicode conversion, which was better attended than the 8AM (wonder why?).   With the morning experience, I made a few adjustments to my pacing and emphasized a few different points.  At the end there were some questions I could not answer, so I'm hoping the people that asked them contact me or the references I provided for clarity. 

  During both sessions, I got to use the really cool combination last pointer / slide advancer / USB memory stick that I earned as part of the SAP Mentor program (thanks Mark!) 

 At 4:30, I was supposed to host a round table discussion among other customers, but had overcommitted my time and was also supposed to help with the Geeks and Suits Game Show in the Community Clubhouse.  I spent a couple minutes exchanging supply chain data interface concepts with a fellow round table host from our major partner Home Depot, Chris Huff.  I started heading out when I ran into my colleague Manju, who had planned to sit with me so I convinced him to sit with Chris and the others.  Manju told me later is was a great idea exchange.



5PM, time for the Geeks & Suits Game Show, where we tried to answer the age-old question about who knows more about the real world - Geeks or Suits!  craig.cmehil/blog graciously took over host duties, and I turned into the male version of Vanna White, the trusty game show sidekick.  Craig was over-prepared, not only bringing cool software to manage the application, but USB based contestant buzzers.  If I had know n there were 3 buzzers, I would have added NOOBS to the mix!

 I really can't claimed to have out-geeked Craig (truly an Alpha Geek), but he admitted that some of my questions / answers were too obscure for him.  I think that made the game show much more entertaining, and proved Bill's and Minda's book premise when the contestants got the deer-in-the-headlight look on key business acronyms such as RONA.  Turns out this old dog can learn some new tricks...


  One more blog after Friday's last day sessions, and then I can relax.


J im